The Motivation for Obedience Galatians 2:20

Episode 19 September 08, 2022 00:09:19
The Motivation for Obedience Galatians 2:20
The Motivation for Obedience Galatians 2:20

Sep 08 2022 | 00:09:19


Show Notes

Student Pastor Ashtin Wright discusses from Galatians 2:20 where our motivation for obedience should come from and how obeying from the right motivation can change your walk.

“Thou hast loved me everlastingly, unchangeably,
may I love thee as I am loved;

Thou hast given thyself for me,
may I give myself to thee;

Thou hast died for me,
may I live to thee,
in every moment of my time,
in every movement of my mind,
in every pulse of my heart.

May I never dally with the world
and its allurements,
but walk by thy side,
listen to thy voice,
be clothed with thy graces,
and adorned with thy righteousness.”

Valley of Vision

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